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Research Narratives 9 - History 1


Looking back at China's social development, I found that in the 1980s, the "family planning" policy was written into my country's constitution. China has started the "one-child era" for a long time. During that special period, the streets and alleys were covered with posters about eugenics, and for a while, a wave of birth control began across the country. In response to the family planning policy, more and more childbearing age women are to avoid unplanned pregnancy. Among the many contraceptive methods, the long-term economic birth control ring has undoubtedly become their first choice. A national birth control sample survey in the late 1980s showed that 87% of birth control measures were used to place intrauterine devices on women, and the proportion was as high as 41.1%.

Now, I am a graphic designer who is keen on women's topic and protecting their legal rights. Faced with today's Chinese society, I am shocked and distressed by this birth control method at the expense of women's health. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), the phenomenon of placing the IUD in women's bodies except for the relatives around me is still happening in other places or countries. I hope that I can form my own unique graphic design style, expand the influence of the female group, help people with similar experiences or remind the family members of related groups, reject the birth control ring, and protect all the need for birth control. Or groups of women who may need birth control in the future. In the future, I want to provide a platform for some Chinese women to improve their knowledge about sex education. I even hope to use this project to arouse other people's attention in society, expand the influence of women today, and call on everyone to work together for sex education in China.

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