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Research Narratives 12 - Current solutions 1


There are still many women who are illiterate about birth control.

So I decided to use the design to tell modern women to reject the birth control ring and help them choose the right birth control option for them.

High success rate: sterilization, IUDs, subcutaneous implants

Prevention of STDs: condoms (male & female)

Low cost: condoms, sterilization, copper IUDs

Long-lasting: sterilisation, IUDs

Helps reduce menstrual-related symptoms: subcutaneous implants, hormonal IUDs, contraceptive injections, the pill, the patch, the vaginal ring

Does not involve a medical professional: condoms, in vitro ejaculation, safe periods

No hormones involved: sterilization, copper IUDs, condoms

Easy to use: subcutaneous implants, IUDs, sterilization procedures

Relatively hidden: contraceptive injection, subdermal implants, IUDs

Reversible: all except sterilisation.

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