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Utopia 6 - Current Situation 2


1. Colour vision correction lenses can be used to improve the patient's colour discrimination.

New research by John S. Werner in 2020 found that patented glasses equipped with special filters can improve colour vision in those most commonly suffering from red-green colour blindness.Remarkably, the ability of colour blind people to recognise and experience colours was improved after two weeks of continuous use, even without the glasses,and it is not yet known how long this improvement lasts. Research is still ongoing.

2. Digital visual enhancement techniques

In 2014, the University of East Anglia in the UK developed and launched a special set top box that allows colour-blind people to enjoy TV programmes in 'full colour' with their naked eyes,without the need to wear any equipment. A mathematical model built into the settop box analyses the TV picture frame by frame, identifying areas of the picture that may be dificult for colour blind people to distinguish, and then digitally enhances the output.

3. Virus injection

Gene therapy using viruses as vectors: In May 2020, a study at the University of Tubingen,Germany, found that around a third of people with colour blindness have a defect in a gene called CNGA3 in their cone cells. Taking advantage of the virus' ability to easily enter human cells, the researchers inserted the correct gene fragment into a harmless adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector, injected it into the retina and allowed these therapeutic viruses to come into contact with the diseased cone cells. AfLer about a few weeks, these cells were able to produce healthy photoreceptor pigments and repair their colouregulating function via the correct gene fragment.However, for safety reasons, new research has always lagged behind in trying this in children.

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