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Utopia 10 - Interview 2



Colm Higgins


23 years old, male, footballer, UK


Colm Higgins is a very strong striker for the football team, but is also red-green blind and has difficulty distinguishing between the two colours, red and green. During a match, the two teams usually wear different coloured shorts, but on one occasion, the two teams were wearing red and green shirts and everyone was wearing white shorts When a player is close to Colm Higgins it's easy to tell but when the game is fast-paced and he was a long way away from a second ago then it's a bit of a struggle.

Last month, as the game was heating up: Colm Higgins lost a point when he was unable to see the red and green jerseys quickly enough from a distance and passed the ball to the wrong player, although his teammates were understanding. he was still in deep remorse.


In a panic situation, Colm Higgins failed to distinguish between friend and foe, leading to an oops goal and loss of team pride. a sense of responsibility and therefore guilt. The design of the jersey was flawed and did not take into account people with Colour vision impairment, which in turn did not help players to quickly distinguish between friend and foe positions.


Ziyan Chen


18 years old, female, Junion school student, Shanghai


Ziyan Chen was not aware of her weak colour perception until she started school, as it had no impact on her life, She could dearly distinguish between red and green traffic lights, which was obvious because of the addition of some blue to the green of the traffic lights, but sometimes she had to pay a little attention to the yellow and red traffic lights.

During a primary school medical check-up. Ziyan Chen found it very hard to believe that she recognised dfferent shapes and numbers from other people's literacy tables, and it was at that time that she realised that she was colour-impaired. At that time, Ziyan Chen was sad for a long time because some o her classmates always made fun of her colour blindness point Ziyan Chen later told her parents about the incident and they comforted Ziyan Chen, who soon got over it herself.


Inadequate facilities in public places can put people with colour vision impairment at a disadvantage. At an early age and in an immature state of mind, people may learm by chance that they are colour impaired and encounter teasing and jokes about colour discrimination from their peers. which sometimes implies discrimination and is an invisible dissevice to people with colour vision impairment.




34 years old, female, Freelance Writer, French


For Cedric simple everyday tasks become more difficult, especially cooking: when Cedric wants to cook, it is often difficult to determine how rare a steak is when frying cooking food because he cannot distinguish between colours, and he cannot determine when fruit is ripe Although takeaway services are now very advanced, Cedric is frustrated by the failure to cook a simple meal on a whim, Cedric was most impressed when she prepared a 'grey-brown suit for her husband's wedding anniversary but he thought the "cherry red' suit was too bright. "Despite Cedric's husband's reassurance. she once again felt frustrated and powerless about her colour vision disorder.


When performing everyday tasks, a lack of colour vision can lead to difficulties in distinguishing the differences between certain colours, which can lead to frustration and problems as these tasks rely on only knowing the colour of certain things.

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